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Taxi Run

Level 1 Screenshot

Level 1 Screenshot

You can compare the graphics with the images at the end of this page.

Level 1 Screenshot

Level 1 Screenshot

We tweaked the controls and systems a little bit. From feedback by the players at NGDC and Game Hack. Afterwards we playtested in our college with various people and they liked it. This time players were happy and were able to maneuver more instinctively.

Level 1 Screenshot

Level 1 Screenshot

At the bottom left the timer has started as the taxi turns a right after colliding with an arrow.

Level 1 Screenshot

Level 1 Screenshot

The player is about to finish Level 1.

Level 1 Screenshot

Level 1 Screenshot

The win screen from level 1. Players get stars according to the stars placed on the map.

Level 2 Screenshot

Level 2 Screenshot

We added a new environment, so the levels don't seem repetitive.

Level 2 Screenshot

Level 2 Screenshot

Our main mechanic is to drag and drop arrows to pre-plan the route for the taxi as the taxi is running on the path by itself.

Level 2 Screenshot

Level 2 Screenshot

In this scenario the player has used the "pause" ability, which pauses the car for 3 seconds. While the time continues for the arrow timers and the player can place arrows while the taxi is paused.

Level 2 Screenshot

Level 2 Screenshot

We added a new ability "Auto Pilot" wherein the player can enable it for three seconds and the taxi bounces off solids. The player is about to finish Level 2.

Main Menu Screenshot

Main Menu Screenshot

We focused on changing elements of design and in game art instead of focusing on the UI.

Instructions Screenshot

Instructions Screenshot

We updated this screen, as many players got confused with our previous instructions screen. So we minimized the info as much as possible.

Credits Screenshot

Credits Screenshot

One of our team members left our team as he had other projects in hand.

Game Poster

Game Poster

We updated it with the art style along with the Instructions and Team Members tab.

Screenshots for Taxi Run's Game Hack Build 

Taxi Run was nominated for Casual Connect 2015 and was selected in the top 5 for BYOG 2014. We showcased the game at these 2 events and Game Hack 2014.

The player has to manoeuvre a taxi with strategically placing arrows to get it from point A to point B. The game is for the tablets.


Role: Game Designer, Programmer

Genre: F2P, 2D, Casual Puzzle

Engine: Construct 2

Platform: Tablets (Android)

Duration: ~5 Days (Oct '14)

Team: 3 Members


About the Game:


Casual Connect Singapore 2015


We showcased the game at the event and got a tremendous response from players and critics alike. It was a great exposure for us college students at that time. The build was a tweaked version with more levels of the Game Hack 2014 build.


Game Hack 2014


We showcased our game there and had made iterations to our game in terms of design and art from the feedback that we had got from the players at NGDC 2014. We took two days to update our game. (The pictures are above in the starting of the page.)


NGDC 2014


The game was nominated from BYOG 2014. For the conference we updated and enhanced a few gameplay elements along with a few changes to the art. We made a feedback form which was filled from most of the players. By the end of the conference we had around 200 forms waiting to be analysed. We took two days to update our game. (The pictures can be seen at the end of this page.)


BYOG 2014


The game started as a game for BYOG 2014, a game jam. It was a one day game, we were given themes from which we had to choose two and make a game. We choose travel and preference.

What I did:


. Conceptualized core mechanics

Implementation in Construct 2

Showcased the game at 3 Events

. Made a feedback form for the events

. Analysed feedback

Iterated game design


About the Concept:


The player collides arrows (drags and drops) to manoeuvre the taxi through the map. The player has to collect stars and get from point A to B. This is the basic concept for the game, we implemented three levels for the BYOG submission and then later on edited those three and added three more levels for the conferences.

Trailer - Casual Connect 2015 Build

Trailer CC 2015

Trailer - NGDC 2014 Build

Trailer NGDC 2014
NGDC 2014

NGDC 2014

Players checking out the game.

NGDC 2014

NGDC 2014

Another participant of the competition trying out our game.

NGDC 2014

NGDC 2014

Taxi Cut Out our artist had made for promotion.

NGDC 2014

NGDC 2014

One of the tablets with the game.

NGDC 2014

NGDC 2014

A player trying out the game.

NGDC 2014

NGDC 2014

An attendee trying out our game.

NGDC 2014

NGDC 2014

Kids from other colleges trying out our game.

NGDC 2014

NGDC 2014

Our game on of our Samsung Tablets being played out by anothe rplayer.

NGDC 2014

NGDC 2014

A promoter trying out our game.

NGDC 2014

NGDC 2014

A player filling up our feedback form. We got around 200 feedbacks in the two days when we showcased our game.

NGDC 2014

NGDC 2014

People playing our game.

NGDC 2014

NGDC 2014

Our booth and the three team members. We had 4 tablets to showcase our game and a laptop to show the trailer. Next to us is another team showcasing their game.

NGDC 2014

NGDC 2014

The team showing the game to attendees for the conference.

NGDC 2014

NGDC 2014

NGDC 2014. We had set up the booth with a laptop to show the trailer.

Screenshots NGDC 2014

Images for Taxi Run's NGDC 2014 Showcase

Level 1 Screen NGDC Build

Level 1 Screen NGDC Build

The player has to drag and drop arrows so that the Taxi collides and maneuvers.

Level 2 Screen NGDC Build

Level 2 Screen NGDC Build

By dragging an arrow directly on the Taxi, it changes the direction instantly.

Level 3 Screen NGDC Build

Level 3 Screen NGDC Build

The player has to go from Point A to Point B while collecting stars.

Win Screen NGDC Build

Win Screen NGDC Build

The player gets to know how many stars he/she has collected.

Crash Scene NGDC Build

Crash Scene NGDC Build

If the Taxi crashes on the wall, it plays an animation of the taxi getting wrecked.

Lose Screen NGDC Build

Lose Screen NGDC Build

After crashing the player loses the level and he/she can retry the level.

Main Menu Screen NGDC Build

Main Menu Screen NGDC Build

The player can choose either to play the game, see the credits or exit the game.

Tutorial Screen NGDC Build

Tutorial Screen NGDC Build

All the in game instructions are available on this screen.

Credits Screen NGDC Build

Credits Screen NGDC Build

Taxi Run Poster NGDC Build

Taxi Run Poster NGDC Build

Our poster that we got printed and had at our NGDC 2014 table.

Screenshots for Taxi Run's NGDC 2014 Build

udain1286             udaintomar(at)gmail(dot)com

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© 2015 by Udain Singh Tomar.

No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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